Monday, February 14, 2011

OAGIS Navigator for Chem eStandards now available

I am pleased to announce that the OAGIS Navigator for Chem eStandards Release 5.1 is now available for download.

We are very pleased to make this outstanding tool available to our members and standards users.  The purpose of the tool is to provide the ability to view the Chem eStandards without buying specialized software tools, but it is also much more than just a viewer.

Some of the other features include:

Extract an Excel definition
Generate sample XML
Create a Schema subset
Copy the XPath to the clipboard
Send feedback to OAGi

The Navigator is free to OAGi members and can be downloaded directly from our Members portion of the OAGi website.  If you are a member of the ACC ChemITC group, the Browser is just US $100.00.  For non-members, it is available for the nominal price of US $200.00.If you would like to purchase the browser, please write to us.

You can view screenshots of the Navigator and learn more on our website here.

Thank you to the OAGi members who contributed to this software product.  If you are not a member of OAGi, I encourage you to view our membership value proposition on our web site here.

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