Monday, July 26, 2010

OAGIS Release X Progress Report

In August of 2009, we kicked off the official OAGIS X Working Group.  During the first year of this three year effort, we have made significant progress toward our eventual goal of completing the effort in approximately 3 years.

We are meeting remotely every Friday for three hours, and in addition the Manufacturing Sub-group has meeting meeting weekly for two hours.

The Manufacturing Sub-group will be winding down in the next few weeks, and we are planning the Financial Sub-Group to ramp up soon.

We have learned a great deal during this first year, and we look forward to putting that knowledge to work in the coming year.

If you are not a member of OAGi, and would like to join the OAGIS X Working Group, you can contact us at

Monday, July 19, 2010

OAGi Registered as an UN Economic and Social Council Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

OAGi has completed the registration process to become a registered NGO with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

OAGi has been contributing to the work of UN/CEFACT since 1999.   As UN/CEFACT is an intergovernmental body of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), which reports to ECOSOC, our acquisition of official status with ECOSOC should improve our members’ standing in its further work with UN/CEFACT.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Second Chemical Industry Council webinar is another success

The Chemical Industry Council held their second webinar is their three part series. The name of this webinar was "Implementing Standards in and Beyond the Chemical Industry: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly".

Our Council Chair, Tom Fannon, and long time CIDX contributor Nancy Fazzoni discussed their experiences on this topic.

Stay tuned for the announcement of the third webinar in the series.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

European Chemical Industry Standards Opportunity

We have recently been approached by the European Council of the Chemical Industry (Cefic at located in Brussels, Belgium.

A new EU legislation named REACH, is being implemented for manufacturers, importers and supply chain actors. One of the key objectives of REACH is the safe use of substances throughout the supply chain.

As a result of this legislation, an joint initiative including Industry Associations (Cefic, FECC, and DUCC), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA, which is equivalent to the USA Environmental Protection Agency, and several IT solution providers, has been started to develop a standard (XML) for exchange of the necessary related data throughout the Supply Chain.

They are asking OAGi if we would consider adopting the standard, including it in our portfolio, and take over governance of it.

We will be meeting with them over the next several months to discuss this further.  

Stay tuned for updates.  In the meantime, we are open to comments and feedback.