Friday, March 26, 2010

OAGIS Training Online

There is a tremendous resource now available on the web that is a three part training class given by OAGIS members and staff.

This was done at an HR-XML meeting because they use OAGIS technoclogy to build their standard. The links to the training classes are just below.

BODs Part One:

BODs Part Two - Mike Rowell, Oracle representative and Chief Architect:

BODs Part Three - Steffen Fohn, ADP representative, and Vice Chair, Architecture Council:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

STEP Convergence is back

It looks like the STEP convergence efforts we started in 2008 - 2009 will be starting back up after a short break.

NIST is taking the lead and looking for funding to help with the effort.

I am excited about the possibilities. Right now it is in organizing mode, but it does look like one of our members, Boeing, is interested in participating.

I will update on this in future blogs.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

OAGIS Case Studies posted

We posted 20 OAGIS Case Studies on our website recently. These come from members and users and contain some tremendous information and cover many aspects of both B2B and Enterprise Integration. The webpage is here.

These have been presented at our face to face meetings over the last few years. We have at least one new one coming up at our May, 2010 meeting as I well. I invite you to register for that meeting now. You can register

Thursday, March 18, 2010

May 2010 Meeting Announcement

I am pleased to announce that registration has opened for our upcoming May 2010 meeting in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

This meeting will once again be hosted by our long standing partner, The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

This year's meeting will be on Wednesday and Thursday, May 5 – 6. Wednesday will be the plenary session and Thursday will be Working Group meetings.


Briefings from from each of our Councils:

- Architecture Council
- Chemical Industry Council

- High Tech Council

- Metals Industry Council

- Architecture Council

You can read the details and register for the meeting here.

We look forward to seeing you there!

March 2010 OAGi News

We just published our March, 2010 Newsletter. The highlights include:

Our first Metals Industry Council face to face meeting took place in Chicago on February 24, 2010. They finalized their Charter and kicked off their first Working Group. They are addressing the Order to Cash and Procure to Pay business processes first.

Our Chemical Industry Council is collecting their requirements to ensure the OAGIS Release 10 Working Group addresses their requirements.

The High Tech Council continues to make great progress on their Logistics Working Group.

Continued growth of our website registrations. We are averaging 60 to 70 new registrations a month. We have registrations from 71 countries.

You can read the entire newsletter